Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sup Y'all

A new Elegant Bachelors song has only too recently been made available on both Myspace and Bandcamp. We recommend visiting the Bandcamp site as we are quite sure that The Elegant Bachelors stopped caring whether or not anyone respected them on Myspace right around the same time everyone else did. Also, the song will most certainly sound better on Bandcamp and you won't have any of those obnoxious ringing artifacts that are so common on Myspace. Still, do what you will.

This is what The Elegant Bachelors have got to say:
"We've uploaded a jam called "Glass Houses" from the new split with Eric Radoux. We have but two things to say about this song and the split. The first consists of less than idle musing on why you haven't listened to everything Eric Radoux has ever released yet. You're really doing yourself a disservice if you ignore this tuneful and all around good to know guy. (His music) Second, the Elegant Bachelors would like to make one thing clear. This song is not named after the Billy Joel album. If we were going to name a song after a Billy Joel album it would most certainly be The Stranger since everyone knows it a generally better album compounded by the fact that side B of Glass Houses really drags. Don't entirely discard the possibility of something named after a Billy Joel release as we in the Elegant Bachelors view Mr. Joel as one of the greatest songwriters of all time and his 1977 release of The Stranger as only marginally less important than the ostensible birth of punk in that same year. To call our love for Billy Joel unreserved would be an act of gross understatement."

There you have it.

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